When stress and anxiety start to weigh you down practicing self care can truly make a difference. It can bring a sense of peace and tranquility to both your mind and body. Here are a couple of self care activities you can try to reduce stress and anxiety during those moments:

1. Get moving. The connection between activity and emotions has been well-studied. Engaging in exercise can help reduce stress, anxiety, and other emotions tied to our lives. Even if you don't feel like working out, something as simple as going for a walk can help calm your nerves. Just setting aside 30 minutes each day can impact your well-being.

2. Prioritize restful sleep. Ensuring you get sleep is crucial for lowering stress levels and promoting relaxation. Sleep provides us with the energy needed to face the day without feeling restless or overly agitated. It plays a role in regulating our emotions so we can react thoughtfully than impulsively. Moreover quality sleep enhances creativity, which can be beneficial, for problem solving skills.
Considering all these factors, making rest a priority is crucial, for maintaining productivity.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

3. Take a break from technology. While technology has become a part of our routines, it's beneficial to view it as a necessary tool rather than a constant presence. Disconnecting from devices and social media periodically can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, allowing yourself some personal time.

4. Remember to pause and breathe deeply. Deep breathing techniques can effectively reduce stress and foster a sense of calmness. When feeling overwhelmed try inhaling through your nose and exhaling gently through your mouth.

5. Explore meditation or yoga practices. Engaging in these activities can aid in unwinding and alleviating stress levels. If you're new to meditation or yoga there are resources to assist you in beginning your journey.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

6. Dedicate time to journaling. Writing in a journal serves as an avenue, for expressing thoughts and emotions enabling us to delve into our feelings and identify sources of stress. Journaling can provide clarity. Offer perspectives on the challenges we encounter allowing us to distance ourselves from our thoughts and approach them from different angles.

7. Engage in reading activities. Reading books can be a way to escape the challenges of life. Immersing yourself in a story can temporarily lift your spirits. Provide a sense of relaxation. Studies have shown that individuals who make reading a habit tend to feel less stressed compared to those who do not engage in this activity. Furthermore readers often show levels of empathy. Are less likely to experience cognitive decline.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

8. Do something you enjoy. Participating in activities that bring you joy, such, as spending time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. It's important to carve out time for leisure and fun. Prioritizing entertainment is just as valuable as prioritizing work efficiency.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

Coping with stress and anxiety plays a role in preserving wellness and overall health. Engaging in these self-care routines can offer solace during times of pressure. Allocating moments each day for self-reflection is vital in handling stress and anxiety. Consider integrating these essential activities into your schedule!

Written by Chelsea Dixon

Chelsea Dixon is the Founding Editor of Love U Magazine. She's also a freelance writer and content marketer in her spare time. To learn more about her vision for the magazine, read From the Editor's Desk on our About Page.

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