Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut of complacency? What about feeling trapped in a prison of fear? The mind is a battlefield and it takes internal resolve if you’re going to prevail every single day!

I have encountered almost every negative emotion known to woman and have learned it’s the invisible things we cannot see that smothers us in a bed of defeat. The word prevail is defined as to gain ascendancy through strength, power or influence; to prove more powerful than opposing forces or conquer and overcome. You are stronger than your struggle. You are a victor, not a victim. You are a prize, not a pebble.

"How long will you pretend to be a tea light when you've been created to be a trail-blazing torch?"

Change does not happen overnight, it happens OVER LIFE!

Twenty years ago, my self-esteem was dirt low after making one bad decision after the next. I dated the wrong men who did not value me because I did not value myself. To mask the pain I would attempt to hide it in a bottle of alcohol or smoke it away. When I woke up guess who was looking back in my face? Me. We can’t out run ourselves. I decided to love myself and love her fiercely.

Model: Kristie Kennedy | Photographer: Jeremy Howard | Instagram: @jhowardphotog

The greatest act of love is forgiveness. One of the most crippling emotions I have ever felt was shame. At the age of seventeen, I lost my virginity and became pregnant in one night. Mentally, I was in no condition to have a child. I made a selfish choice to have an abortion and at the clinic, there were protesters outside. One of them handed me a little plastic doll to demonstrate I would be taking a human life. I kept that doll hidden in my lingerie drawer for two decades until going on a 73-day fast from comfort foods.

Instantly, the emotional chains were broken off of me. I finally threw the doll away and forgave myself completely. Shame maintains control over that which we fear to speak about. I made a decision to live FREE from fear, judgment, condemnation and the opinion of others! Imperfection is my superpower. TRUTH is the most solid ground you can stand upon.

Model: Kristie Kennedy | Photographer: Jeremy Howard | Instagram: @jhowardphotog

Recondition your mind to challenge what's challenging you because, what you FEED, you will BREED! A new course will require new courage!

  • Do that which makes you come alive inside.
  • Embrace that which wakes you up out of your sleep.
  • Pursue that which makes your heart beat with fiery passion.
  • Hunger for that which never satisfies the deepest parts of your soul.
  • Imagine that which inspires you to transform into the most magnificent version of yourself.
  • ​Live your life by design and not default.
Model: Kristie Kennedy | Photographer: Jeremy Howard | Instagram: @jhowardphotog

Evolving into a higher version of yourself will feel extremely uncomfortable, and vulnerable to the zenith degree. It's called GROWTH! CHANGE! TRANSITION! TRANSFORMATION! METAMORPHOSIS! BREAKTHROUGH!

  • I give myself permission to weep and heal.
  • I give myself permission to love the unloving.
  • ​I give myself permission to pursue galactic goals.
  • I give myself permission to walk in power, strength and might.
  • I give myself permission to play by the rules that I write one letter at a time.
  • I give myself permission to shine bright like a diamond.
  • I give myself permission to travel the globe doing what I love the most.
  • I give myself permission to relax when need and ROAR when I must.
  • I give myself permission to breathe deeply from the wells of fulfillment.
  • I give myself permission to be extraordinary and dwell amongst generals of greatness.
  • I give myself permission to maximize my divine potential.
  • I give myself permission to live in freedom from fear.
  • I give myself permission to enjoy the beauty of life wherever I go.
  • I give myself permission to explore new ideas and experiment daily.
  • I give myself permission to stand out from the masses and powerfully exercise the profound wisdom that comes from inside.
  • I give myself permission to be abundantly blessed with the best of all things.
  • I give myself permission to sit in the lap of luxury.
  • I give myself permission to become all that I have been destined to be.
  • I give myself permission to live fully without reservation, hesitation, contemplation, trepidation, procrastination, or explanation.

They asked her, “How did you free yourself?" She answered, "By embracing my own power." -Yung Pueblo

Written by Kristie Kennedy Ward

Kristie Kennedy Ward is a Women’s Worth and Wellness Expert who provides confidence and clarity coaching to female leaders, executives, and business owners who are exhausted from being the world’s best-kept secret, ready to claim the center stage as the leading lady of their own life, powerfully shift in mind and magnificently shine.

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